Allen's Taxidermy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

More than nice paint !

Allen Taxidermy Studio
13919 61st Lane N
(561) 880-7986
Find us on Google Maps for 10% off Fish Mounts till Aug 30th !

Would you put a shiny new paint job on a rusted out wreck?
I seriously Doubt it. So why would you buy a fish replica that is just that?
I use a lot of the same blanks that others use. Most of them are left as is with a crappy paint job. A few have really great paint, but otherwise are fatally flawed
I talked about the importance of paint here.  And a little about eye anatomy here.
But this is where the rubber meets the road, what separates the men from the boys.
So today we are doing body work!

These fish looks pretty good from afar
But there are some problems that really need to be addressed. The eye set is obvious as a fish's eyes are not on the top of its head. Less obvious, the pelvic fins point straight down at the ground. Live fish do not do this. The back edge of the fin is held against the body to improve hydrodynamics. This look is referred to in taxidermy circles as "the electrocuted fish". He certainly does look surprised, rather that the majestic predator that he is. There is one more thing that keeps these blanks from looking "real".

The Maxilla (upper jaw ) lacks any definition.

Here is a closeup of the maxilla on a real bass.
Here is our "improved" maxilla.
 Re-positioned pelvic fins.
 These improvements are very time consuming , and require a respirator to painstakingly grind by hand, but my name is attached to every mount that goes out the door. It is the least we can do to bring you an affordable catch and release trophy you can be proud of!

With out these basic improvements you may as well go to walmart and buy a "Bigmouth Billy Bass" He looks about as real, and at least he'll sing to you!

More Later as we wade through the repairs. Next up a horrific Crappie that no doubt you've seen on ebay with such terms attached as "Giant" or "Slab" .


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