Allen's Taxidermy

Saturday, June 23, 2012

7 ft Gator

Monday, March 26, 2012

Updated Webpage!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Long awaited update...


13919 61ST LANE N * WPB, FL 33412

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sailfish Restoration

We restored a sailfish from 1962. Real head and fins, cedar, plaster and burlap body.
Our client, Susan was very passionate about this 49 year old fish as it was caught by her mother. We pulled out all the stops on this one. The soft spots and cracks were repaired with automotive  putty primed and sanded multiple times, the original real fins were rebuilt, and reinforced with polyester resin and fiberglass, and the old deteriorated plywood sail was replaced by a brand new fiberglass one courtesy New Wave taxidermy.  We are extremely happy with the results.

It was a challenge to say the least!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alligator scutes and turkey fan

worked on this turkey tail while waiting for the sailfish to dry...

...and cleaned some more alligator scutes.
I think that I will make key chains out of them.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Open up and say AHHHH!

The Alligator
Went to the dentist
And sat down in the chair,
And the dentist said, "Now tell me, sir,
Why does it hurt and where?"
And the Gator said, "I'll tell you the truth,
I have a terrible ache in my tooth,"
And he opened his jaws so wide, so wide,
The the dentist, he climbed right inside,
And the dentist laughed, "Oh isn't this fun?"
As he pulled the teeth out, one by one.
And the Gator
cried, "You're hurting me so!
Please put down your pliers and let me go."
But the dentist laughed with a Ho Ho Ho,
And he said, "I still have twelve to go-
Oops, that's the wrong one, I confess,
But what's one Gator tooth more or less?"
Then suddenly, the jaws went SNAP,
And the dentist was gone, right off the map,
And where he went one could only guess...
To North or South or East or West...
He left no forwarding address.
But what's one dentist, more or less?

Allen's Taxidermy
(561)-6-MOUNT1 Easy to remember 56-16-Mount1
13919 61st Ln N
West Palm Beach, FL

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A couple of reptile replicas

I guess there aren't many of us out there doing these...

I am getting more and more requests.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keeping Busy...

Finished a couple of fish...

Took in some Deer...A real nice one for south Florida...

And this monster from Kansas...Being fed-exed here as we speak! All I can say is WOW! Just WoW.
 In the mean time...I have this sailfish restoration that is sucking my will to live. I vastly underestimated the amount of work this was going to be...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mo betta gators....

Biggest one I have ever seen came in today.
Ironically, this one was killed by a skilled taxidermist.
He enlisted the help of myself and Skinning and Grinning to complete the monumental chore of skinning and fleshing it. 12'3" and 800 pounds. The 2000lb crane gave out shortly after this picture.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Choot it Lizbit...we got us a tree-shaka! Alligator Taxidermy

The popularity of "Swamp People" on the history channel has boosted Florida's Alligator hunting sales.
As a result all manner of Yankees are heading down, not for the beaches of West Palm, but the swamps and sloughs in pursuit of one of the world's oldest and greatest predators.
  I hadn't given Alligator taxidermy much thought, until the phone started ringing.As I always do things the right way, and never risk a customers hide,I started working weekends for an outfit called "Skinning and Grinning". They skin alligators and prepare the meat for the processor. A top notch outfit in Palm Beach County. In addition to putting a few bucks in my pocket, I was able to obtain some test samples to see if my tan would work on these beasts. My goal is to offer a life like representation of alligators as far removed from the crappy marble eyed novelties seen in souvenir shops as a 1982 yugo is from a 2012 RR phantom.

The tanning experiment worked. We started with the cast off portion if the skin that is typically thrown away when skinned for the leather industry. It was a success to say the least. I think that they make a good trophy in their own right, and hope that more people will want to keep them instead of wasting them in the landfill.  A great way to have your cake and eat it too. Process the leather for sale, or goods (purses wallets, boots, motorcycle seats etc...) and still have something that demonstrates the truly impressive size of the animal.

 Then the next step was the heads. The Tan worked flawlessly and much like all things in taxidermy a premium (expensive) eye makes a huge difference. This is a work in progress, and I still have to make the throat, tongue and finish the back.

 Satisfied with the tanning, here is the first of many customer mounts. This one is a full rug, including Belly scales and legs.

 The next steps will be to finish the head mount(s) as I now have several, and to acquire a gator for life-size.
I will update as I progress.


13919 61ST LANE N * WPB, FL 33412